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Contact Us

For Services and Support

The Registrar's Office is open for business to serve you!  We are committed to providing you the service and support you need to excel in your academic endeavors. 

For questions, contact us via one of the methods below. Please be aware we are experiencing unusually high call and email volumes. 

Service Hours:

  • Walk-in: M-F 8am - 5pm
  • Phone: M-F 8am - 5pm
  • Virtual Drop-in: M-F 8am - 5pm
  • Live Chat: M-F 8am - 5pm

Connect with Us "Real-time"

Have a question for the Registrar's Office?  Click on the link below to join our queue. 
You can join the virtual queue for zoom or in-person advising. No appointment needed. Be sure to have your Cal Poly Pomona Bronco ID Number ready.
Click on the link below to join our queue. 
After you log into Qless and select virtual advising, you will receive a message with a Zoom link when we're ready for you.
  • NOTE: If you are requesting a Zoom drop-in, you must use the link below (Join the Queue). The text option is only for in person drop-ins.
  • If you don’t receive a Zoom link via text after checking in: Call (909) 869–3000 or Email for assistance.


Join our queue
Virtual drop in Zoom or In-Person

At Cal Poly Pomona, students have "Billy Chat" named after their school mascot-- Billy Bronco. The "chatbot" is available to answer student's academic questions 24-7.

If Billy doesn't have the answer to your question, he'll get a human to help. Live representatives are available to chat with you. 

Billy bronco chatbot


When you call us, have your Cal Poly Pomona Bronco ID number ready to share to minimize wait times and provide you with accurate information that is specific to you.

Registrar's Office Phone: (909) 869-3000 

Correspond with Us via Email

For Student or General inquiries, please email your questions or concerns to one of the following Email addresses. A Registrar's Office representative will reach out to you.

Please use your official CPP email address and include your Bronco ID number.

  • Forms, General Inquiry, Holds, Petitions, Registration, Student Records, Transcripts, Class Withdrawals, University Withdrawal:
  • Veteran Affairs Benefits and Services:
  • Articulation, Degree Progress Report, Graduation, Transfer Credit:
  • Diploma or Authentication and Notarization:
Also, we offer a variety of online resources and forms to support you in your academic journey at CPP.

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Registrar's Office

3801 W. Temple Ave.

SSB 121-East

Pomona, CA 91768 

Service Hours:

  • Walk-in: M-F 8am - 5pm
  • Phone: M-F 8am - 5pm
  • Virtual Drop-in: M-F 8am - 5pm
  • Live Chat: M-F 8am - 5pm



How Are We Doing?

If you have any feedback regarding the quality of our service, click the link: let us know.